(money in my checking account, at 1:46 PM... on 4/13/20... ...when I had gone to Bank of America, in Clayton, MO... ...near my former apartment)
Due to the latest (most recent) developments, and Matthew 19:24 of the bible... I have had to make certain adaptations, as well as compensate... for my dad being deceased, as of 10/8/20 (even though he had been experiencing financial difficulties, in his last days... and had no discernible will)... and my present/ongoing familial relations/dynamics... which are, 'effectively estranged'...


Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God... all things are possible...” - Matthew 19:26
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man, is possible... with God..." - Luke 18:27

Both of the aforementioned quotes, are regarding Jesus Christ... in relation, to 'God the Father'... Evidently, Jesus Christ had to be on a 'certain, spiritual trajectory'... in order to have performed the numerous miracles, that He had... to have Resurrected, in the aftermath... of His Crucifixion, and to have ascended to heaven (via departure, 40 days... after His Resurrection)... to be seated, at the right hand... of 'God the Father'...
NOTE #1:
Jesus Christ also had found a way, to defy death... and this implies, He had been walking in the footsteps... of Enoch and/or Elijah, regarding the notion... of being 'expedited, to heaven'...
[Jesus Christ had been obstructed from getting to heaven, via 'natural means'... but ultimately, that obstruction... served as a catalyst (accelerant), for getting there...]
NOTE #2:
There are 2 ways of getting to heaven; the natural and the supernatural... the former may take centuries, given that Enoch was whisked away to heaven... when he was 365 years old... but the latter, is more predictable, for those... who remain faithful, and steadfast... in the Lord, Jesus Christ (God the Son)...

“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death… so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord… will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command… with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God… and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left… will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord, forever…” – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
“Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more… because God took him…” - Genesis 5:23-24

10:39 AM (7/5/23):
To understand the realm of the spirit, one must first attain mastery... of the realm, of the living... The former, is more difficult... than the latter... ...given such, is more obscure... ...being more of imagination (spirit-governed), than knowledge (mind-governed)...

TO GET TO HEAVEN (checkpoints, in chronological order)
There is a way to get to heaven, via 'natural means'
If you find the path, you can take steps... to traverse such.
When on the path, you get that feedback.
If you get on the path, you should stay on the path.
If you get on the path and get feedback, chances are... that you have a greater chance, of staying on the path... than just finding the path, alone...
Once a certain threshold has been reached, you have 'crossed over'... and no matter what, this process is no longer a 'zero sum game'... The distinction between mortality and immortality, is now substantiated...

(which checkpoint, are you on?)

"I'm waiting for my... substantiation..." - Drinking Man 

(YouTube snapshot, serving as a potential sign... that I am on checkpoint #3 of 5... regarding 'getting to heaven')
(from 1:13 to 1:26, I guess she had to be 'encrypted')


December 25, 2021


7:57 PM (12/25/21): "There are 50 states in the United States of America... Moments ago, I became particularly curious as to the distinction between them... and countries... Given that there are 7 continents in the world (North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and Australia), I came to a conclusion...

...North America (the United States) is a country, consisting of many states... and also is a continent... This contrasts with Africa (a continent) which consists of many countries... In the U.S., people tend to speak English in each state (as the main language)... in a sense, English is spoken in '50' countries... of the U.S. (even though, we know these to be states)... In Africa, each country may have a different language... I know not any of them (although Igbo is a spoken language, in Nigeria)... but such is what I have been told, over the years..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:21 AM (6/10/22): “Europe is home to 24 official languages, and about 200 are spoken… across the continent (consisting of 44 countries)…” — Michael Izuchukwu

>>> Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/) <<<

4. Michael Izuchukwu – Medium (https://medium.com/@podschike37)


1. RICE UNIVERSITY (5/6/23 - Karine Jean-Pierre)
2. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY (5/14/23 - Maria Ressa, 5/17/23 - Lee Bollinger)
3. SETON HALL UNIVERSITY (5/22/23 - Borys Gudziak)
4. HARVARD UNIVERSITY (5/25/23 - Tom Hanks)

"...Indians and Americans are both people who innovate, and create... turn obstacles, into opportunities... ...who find strength, in community and family..." - President Joe Biden
After watching the above video, in retrospect... there was a sense, that my dad was 'genuinely nonexistent'... in the context of the fact, that his side of the family... is relatively obscure, to me (in relation, to that... of my mom)... In December 2018, he told me that I was of 'Egyptian descent (Egypt is 1 of the 54 countries, in Africa)'... although he was born in Nigeria, and my mom was born in Jamaica... They divorced in 2011, and my dad died on 10/8/20... having been in need of a 5th heart surgery operation, on the eve... of his death...
It is easier for me to identify my ties to Egypt and Jamaica, than Nigeria... if inquiry was made, about my familiarity with those countries... and what I know, about their respective histories...





3:19 PM (6/25/23):
"...I am now at a stage in my life, where I am actively wondering about my parents' upbringings/childhoods... along with my genuine origins/genealogy/ancestry..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"In this video, Heena Panchal has the vibe of, 'I'm not sure I can tell you, where I got this body from... ...that's classified...' ...as she walks, across a shore... with the vibe of a 'female James Bond'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
This implies, that 'someone insecure'... was seeking, to make 'her' own purchase...

4:46 PM (6/25/23):

Former VIP waitress, at a strip club… says she was ‘bought’ off the floor (an example, of ‘a body’… being purchased…)

>>>She also says she once invested, in a $12,000 watch… which I found, surprising…

2:12 PM (6/25/23):
"Peaceful song, when contemplating... how to be proactive, what to do, and what dreams... are worthy enough, to pursue..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

2:02 PM (6/25/23): 
"Interesting video, of a dude... who is attempting, to increase others' faith... in God...

12:31 PM (7/5/23):
0:00-1:23 of this video, was resonating... An early start in life, can do wonders... ...given that such is the precedent, for an 'unchartered trajectory'...

9:56 AM (7/5/23):
Upon revisiting this blog, I began contemplating about the implications... of 2 Peter 3:8 of the bible... "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years… are like a day..." - 2 Peter 3:8
Indisputably, this alludes to how time is relative to the observer... as Albert Einstein, had pinpointed... but suggests that this principle applies to both the living realm, and the spirit realm. Consequently, one can extrapolate... by the veracity of this assessment... that there is a 'natural flow,' from this stage of existence (life) to the next (afterlife)... just as there was such from pre-life, to life...
The principle of causality, supports the aforementioned... and this is proof, that the concept of spacetime... is biblically rooted...

5:01 PM (7/4/23):
When I read this article, such seemed to be 'something of the devil'... in the context, of how it was stated... that this 18-year-old became homeless, in the aftermath of his dad's death, was being prevented from seeing his family members, the fact that his mom wouldn't even let him finish school ('no educational support')... before 'evicting him'... and in the context, of 18-year-olds, still being in need of 'emotional and psychological support, from their parents'...
Vanderbilt University SAT scores - YouTube (one's resolve, can 'sometimes' be a more accurate gauge of intellect... than external appearance)

/\/\/\CONTINUATION (as of 5:00 PM, on 7/4/23 - posts arranged from bottom, to top)/\/\/\
"To know where you're going (and to get there, 'on your own'), you have to know... where you've been..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 4:28 PM (5/7/23)

"There are many layers of hell, and if you don't make genuine... spiritual progress, you will retrograde... ...and one day, you will awaken there..." - Michael Izuchukwu

[ALIENS & DEMONS... ...what's the difference?

An alien (extraterrestrial) does not recognize the Holy Spirit (such is foreign), but a demon ('of the devil') does...] 

"When one realizes that humans have made rovers, that have traversed the surface... of other celestial bodies (other than Earth), it is a certainty... that mankind's moral and intellectual ingenuity... is arguably, of infancy..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 12:53 AM (5/13/23)

"In life, one's time is limited... and there are many ways that one is permitted, to spend such... nevertheless, there are pursuits which are worldly... and those, which are spiritual... Based off which option one selects, and how much effort is invested... …one tends to be awarded, accordingly..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"To see the context of many things, and reconcile them... ...requires foresight, and focus..." - Michael Izuchukwu (9:53 AM, on 5/14/23)

"If you want to better know, how a man thinks ('who he is')... you have to take note of where he's been, what he's done, and where he intends... to go (the account of his actions/accomplishments/'track record')..." - Michael Izuchukwu (2:34 PM , on 5/19/23)
This applies for women, as well...
('governance diagram')

"There are people who follow, and then those... who are followed... To the followers, I surmise that it's important... to know, that they are following that... which is not lost (one may want ask, where one is going... and 'why'...)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (6:29 PM, on 5/25/23) 
To know where you're going, you need to know... where you've been...

"Any sufficiently, technologically equipped... class of organisms... has 'a natural' proclivity, to wage war (in some capacity)... against a different group, that comprises its species (assuming the conflict, is not interspecies-based)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (5:23 AM, on 5/26/23)

"The context of Jesus Christ's 'wisdom,' in this portrayal... likely is rooted in the fact, that 'everybody dies, but not everyone lives'... It is customary, that people are desensitized by time's passage... and lead traditional lives... unless they are governed by the spirit, and consequently permitted... to traverse, an unconventional path... through spacetime..." - Michael Izuchukwu (9:14 AM, on 5/30/23)

"When a human begins to think of a test, as a game (rather than a test)... such may be a sign, of an advancement... of outlook (in the context, of life being a test... to see what is done, with the given time - grander, than the tests... within)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (12:16 PM, on 6/3/23)
A game has rules, and the goal is to win/pass such...

Regarding 15:22-16:41:
"If you believe in yourself, but don't believe in God... then you may have difficulty, ascertaining the genuine basis... for 'that degree,' of spirituality..." - Michael Izuchukwu (1:24 PM, on 6/4/23)

"Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, the places, the moments most important to you... were not gone, not dead... but worse; had never been. What kind of hell, would that be?" - Dr. Rosen [from 'A Beautiful Mind (2001)] 

...something about people, and places... There is a relationship between them, over time... A place may not feel the same, without 'certain people'... Or certain people, may not feel the same... in a different place...

"In the context of life, having intrinsic value (meaning), one tends to want to do daily... that which is meaningful... in order for the summation of one's days, to be aligned... with life's nature... This implies, finding work... where the end, is justified... by the means... ...work, that is of dignity... and legitimacy..." - Michael Izuchukwu (12:00 PM, on 6/5/23)

"It is easier for a human, to gain entry to heaven... via natural means... than it is for one, to transcend dimensions... naturally..." - Michael Izuchukwu
This is hypothetical...

"If you take a step back from something, you may attain a new perspective... and begin to question the implications, of what taking a step forward... truly means (once a step has been taken, such cannot be undone)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (7:46 AM, on 6/11/23)

"If one attests to having won favor with God, then 'presumably'... the burden of proof, is upon... that individual..." - Michael Izuchukwu (10:03 AM, on 6/11/23)

3:00 PM (6/14/23): "At 2:30 PM, today… I had a revelation about the fourth spatial dimension reality… In short, such could be thought of as 'an understanding, I could partially imagine… but not see'…" - Michael Izuchukwu

3:05 PM (6/14/23): "Whenever there is a limit on imagination (which is more important, than knowledge... acording to Albert Einstein)... that implies one is in territory, that adheres to the term 'abandonment by God'... ...or the grounds, of 'forbidden knowledge'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:06 PM (6/14/23): "...sometimes, to know something... you first have to be able to imagine, what such is..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:33 PM (6/14/23): "When confronted, Adam tells God that Eve gave him the fruit to eat, and Eve tells God that the serpent deceived her into eating it. God then curses the serpent, the woman, then the man, and expels the man and woman from the Garden before they ate of the tree of eternal life."

3:41 PM (6/14/23): "Eve gave Adam some of the forbidden fruit to eat, after being deceived by a talking snake/serpent; they both ate such (Eve, and then Adam)… Nevertheless, Eve had free will… and arguably, this takes precedence… to knowledge, of good and evil… …’the imagination of good and evil,’ that is…" - Michael Izuchukwu


I personally believe, that Adam and Eve should have stayed in the Garden of Eden... long enough... until God the Father, granted them permission ('and if, that is') to taste the fruit... of the Tree of Knowledge... If they had been obedient, long enough... my hypothesis, is that they... or one of their descendants, would have been granted authorization... (4:30 PM, on 6/14/23)

4:07 PM (6/14/23):

“Trust in the Lord, with all your heart… and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to Him… and He will make your paths, straight…” – Proverbs 3:5-6

In the context, of my prior conclusion (‘the specific quotation’)… about my revelation, regarding the fourth spatial dimension reality… in the context of the above bible verse, God the Father ‘throws curve balls’… in the context, of complex understandings (for instance, spacetime has curvature… and there must be a divine reason, for this)… Nevertheless, if free will could be considered ‘imagination, of the distinction… between good and evil’… while morality is ‘knowledge, of the distinction… between good and evil’… then free will is more deeply rooted, in the spirit, than morality (regarding the nature, of those respective concepts)… Given this, one can infer that traversing curved paths (in a linear fashion)… may require unconventional wisdom (in the context, of the governing dynamics… of the spirit, mind and body)…


9:19 PM (6/14/23): "When I watched this 'farewell' video, I began thinking about the origins... of the term 'doctor'. Particularly, regarding the abbreviation 'Dr.'... Formerly, I had surmised that such was stated... to give the impression, to ancient people... that they were in the presence of a door, that would be opened... if they knocked... Regarding 'Dr.,' I concluded that the juxtaposition of the capitalized 'D'... and the lowercase 'r'... could be a geometric metaphor, for an old person... standing (with a protruding stomach), and then 'bending over'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

A Farewell for Dr. Francis Collins: Vivek Murthy - YouTube


francis collins case for god - Google Search



8:12 PM (7/3/23): "I now view the term 'Dr.,' as a potential geometric metaphor... 'for an old person... standing (with a protruding stomach), and then going fishing'..." - Michael Izuchukwu



Michael Izuchukwu's 'Case for God':

1. HOW DOES ONE WIN FAVOR, WITH GOD? (jesuswent.blogspot.com)

Synopsis: Getting to heaven, via natural means... is possible... and asymptotic aging, may be symptomatic... of such...



Angels are 4-dimensional beings, and there is such a thing... as linetime, shapetime, spacetime and hyperspacetime...

10:28 AM (6/15/23): "About an hour ago, or so... I started wondering about the nature, of 'human design (by God the Father)'... and how such enforces, our embedment... within the confines, of our reality... There are bounds to the third spatial dimension reality, just as the third spatial dimension reality... serves, as a bounds..." - Michael Izuchukwu NOTE: When one thinks about bounds, in terms of their spatial (as opposed to temporal) aspects... one realizes that the former, requires unconventional thinking (of that, which transcends... imagination)... 

[knowledge, imagination... and then 'x'... where x, is an unknown variable.... There are things one knows (that one can be told), things one can conceptualize/ponder about (that are abstract)... and then things so complex and abstract, they can only be partially imagined]

(there are different gradients, of bounds...)

gradient - Google Search

The phrase 'different gradients, of bounds'... in other words, means 'the boundary line, of a particular area... is subject to variation, based off one's spatial dimension reference frame'... In a higher spatial dimension, a certain... physical boundary... may not be applicable...

“For after all, what is man… in nature? A nothing, in relation to infinity… all in relation, to nothing; a central point between nothing, and all… and infinitely far, from understanding either. The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him… in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn, and the infinite… in which, he is engulfed…” – Blaise Pascal

9:43 PM (6/15/23): "I found this scene from the 1997 movie 'Contact,' particularly interesting... regarding the ending (6:34-7:55), but specifically... regarding 7:34-7:55... 3 equations were posted, as translated messages... that had been embedded, within the 'extraterrestrial schematics'... where a broken circle, means 'false'... and an open circle, means 'true'... What I found intriguing, is the psychology behind the ordering... of the equations... All 3 of them, have the same origin... which is '2'... and the first one is incorrect, but the next two of them... are correct... The gist of what I could infer, is that if initially presented with an incorrect statement... 'those' extraterrestrials (aliens) will subsequently present a solution, and then attempt to find the 'missing and unknown variable'... to arrive at the incorrect solution... from the point of origin (which is known)... This line of thinking, implies these beings... may have been making an attempt, to not only display their logic... but the nature, of their morality/ethics..." - Michael Izuchukwu

CONTACT Scene Ellie meets Haddon - YouTube

“My Kingdom is not… of this world...” – John 18:36 (when Jesus Christ said this statement, I don't think He had been alluding to having a home... on a different planet, of the cosmos... ...given that a spaceship, could get to such... over a certain length, of time... Jesus may have been referencing, some building... in the 4th spatial dimension reality)


Jesus Christ used the word 'world,' as opposed to 'planet'... which is of significance...

8:08 PM (6/16/23):

"...a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects..." - Albert Einstein

Quote by Albert Einstein: “Your question is the most difficult in the worl...” (goodreads.com)


For about an hour today, I was contemplating the nature... of the 4th spatial dimension reality... and I realized, that interpretation of such... is individual-based... Nevertheless, I reach a universal conclusion... and that is that the Holy Trinity, being a tertiary relationship... serves as a primer/reminder, that only one-third of the dimensions... of what a 4-D being, observes (in the context of length, width and height/depth)... can be 'imagined,' by a 3-D human...

Where does the Bible say that one-third of the angels fell? | carm.org


(Rev. 12:4, 9) When did Satan sweep a third of the angels away to the Earth? When was Satan cast out of heaven? | Evidence Unseen 

8:33 AM (6/17/23):

One could infer, that if angels are 4-D beings... God the Father, via Jesus Christ (God the Son)... might test humans, to see if they have qualities... in his likeness... ...once, they have established a sufficient relationship... with Jesus Christ (via the Holy Spirit, which is a human's link... to God)... The phrase 'looking after,' is likely one of the themes... of God the Father, given that the reality of 2-D beings... may not be appealing, to 3-D humans... By extrapolation, one can infer... that such is why, encounters with angels... are rare...

8:57 AM (6/17/23):

Lines are easier to understand, than curves... Hence, this is why a hypercube (4-D cube) is more tangible/relatable... than a hypersphere (4-D sphere)...

7:43 AM (6/19/23):

“What is the limit, of a man’s richness… if it were to be easier for him, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven… than for a camel, to pass through… the eye, of a needle…?” - Michael Izuchukwu (converse of Matthew 19:24, of the bible... in terms of a question)

8:53 AM (6/19/23):

"For a 3-D human, time is perceived to flow linearly (in 2 dimensions)... but for a 4-D being, time likely flows... in 3 dimensions (in terms of space, regarding spacetime)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Space, of spacetime... is 'length, width and height/depth'... ...excluding time...

8:59 AM (6/19/23):

A number line; time flows from left... to right... ...when one thinks, of year by year progression...

1:58 PM (6/19/23): "...I think in terms of potential (seeds), as opposed to that... which is kinetic (fruits being eaten)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:07 PM (6/19/23): "If you see a monster, such likely was created... as a consequence, of monstrous circumstances... Such a being, is often... unintended..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:26 PM (6/20/23): Sometimes, when one watches a person... enter a forest, that individual is the not the same, when he/she exits... Time can have an effect, on one's perception... of many things... in the context of the spirit, mind and body (within spacetime)... ...also, some reactions have potency... because of catalysts (which speed them up)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Arguably, my blog at www.dimsteps.blogspot.com, was a catalyst... for the 'evolved insights' I had, as of 6/16/23... in relation to 7/7/20 (I had been making the final updates to my blog, from 6/8/23 to 6/13/23... and then from 6/14/23 to 6/16/23, I had 'additional insights'... regarding my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation')

10:38 PM (620/23):

0:30-1:31 of this video, was resonating... Assuming angels are 4-dimensional beings, they may have a means of being 'selectively visible'... and their wings, likely account... for how they can manifest themselves, before 3-D beings... 

Angels In the Outfield ⚾️ | Ben Williams catch & Al the Boss Angel - YouTube 

9:04 AM (6/22/23):

A photo of me, in the Seton Hall University parking lot... as of 8:46 AM... on 6/22/23... I snapped such, after thinking to myself, 'we see words, and we may hear them... but when we see imagery/photos, do they also make sounds...?'

Words are comprised of letters, which are 'geometric shapes'... and photos consist of 'geometric shapes,' as well (but their respective structures, tend to be different)... Thus, one wonders... as to why, photos don't make sounds... like words, do... Something about 'higher dimensions,' is a possibility...

There are 200-400 alphabets, in the world

10:29 AM (6/22/23): 
I know the English language so well, that when I see 'words' from that alphabet (consisting of 26 letters), I immediately 'hear their enunciation (and begin processing meaning)'... but this does not apply, for other languages (that use different alphabets)... ...this reaction, applies for other languages... that are comprised of the same letters, as the English alphabet (Spanish/Espanol, for instance)... ...but for them, such is not as strong/immediate...

4:44 PM (6/22/23):

Right after Jesus Christ had Resurrected, He likely was 3.57-dimensional... given that in this scene, when Jesus shows Thomas (one of His disciples) His pierced hand... ...the given impression, is that such may have been 'see-through (transparent)'... as though, being a metaphor... for Jesus' 'improved form'...  

Son of God | Resurrection | 20th Century Fox - YouTube (2:31-3:01)

4:49 PM (6/22/23):

I say 3.57-dimensional (3.57-D), because on my blog at www.dimsteps.blogspot.com ...I made reference to my updated hypothesis, that Jesus Christ will likely be 4.19-D... on Day 1, of the afterlife... and that this contrasts significantly, with one who is 3-D, as well as 3.19-D... 3.57-D, seems to be a 'significant threshold'... between 3.19-D and 4-D, for what happened in this scene... 'to happen'... One should take note of the fact, that it took Jesus Christ 3 days (72 hours)... to Resurrect (via 'the Resurrection')...

5:43 PM (6/22/23):

6 levels of 'being thresholds,' for dimensional beings (regarding those, that I am most familiar with)...

7:12 PM (6/22/23):

40 days elapsed, after Jesus Christ's Resurrection... before He departed to heaven... This implies, that Day 1 of the afterlife... did not immediately begin, for Jesus... if one infers, that such is when... one has officially arrived, in the spirit realm... regarding heaven, or hell... One can consequently extrapolate, that there is a 'waiting period' for those... who seek to gain entry, to heaven or hell (aside from Jesus)...

7:51 PM (6/22/23):

...this observation, implies that Jesus Christ may have been shedding light on the fact... that a 'natural transition,' from the realm of the living (life realm)... to the realm of the non-living (afterlife realm)... ...'is possible'...

"Someone who is 'alien' to me, is one whose interests are self-serving... or who I have never met face-to-face (but presumes to want, to relate)... If you're 'an alien' to me, I would advise that you genuinely believe in God (in the context, of the Holy Trinity)... or there is no guarantee, a genuine relationship... will be possible..." - Michael Izuchukwu (9:20 AM, on 6/23/23)


In the context of the following video, it is my understanding (via statistics, and personal experience) that people who do not believe in a higher power (and more importantly, a genuinely substantiated... higher power)... ...tend to have greater spiritual resistance (more inertia, in matters of the heart), than those... who believe that there is intrinsic value, in having an inner fire... ...that is governed, by the realm... of the spirit...

Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager - YouTube

"If you don't get to heaven, your faith was insufficient..." - Michael Izuchukwu (7:19 PM, on 6/23/23)

1:53 PM (6/24/23): "Moments ago, I had insights... regarding the divine basis, for why an n-dimensional hypersphere... experiences a reduction in volume, after the fifth dimension... Theoretically, dimensions 3-5 are most oriented... for human understanding and interaction, over the course... of eternity... I surmise that in the sixth dimension, the proliferation of non-human dimensional beings... begins... ...and such relates to how the bible references the number '666,' which is alluded to by the number/integer '36'... in terms of such stating 'three sixes'... Extraterrestrials are non-humans, and their baseline/standard emotional pathology ('emotion is of the spirit/Holy Spirit')... is arguably, aligned with '666' frequency (devoid of the Holy Spirit)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
One must take note, that 'given' that actual angels are 4-dimensional beings... and assuming Jesus Christ (God the Son) will be 4.19-D, on Day 1... of the afterlife (for humanity/mankind)... then dimensional ascent is unconventional and/or challenging, as a process... and may require the endurance (in some capacity), of additional trials... and tribulations...

2:21 PM (6/24/23): "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six..." - Revelation 13:18 

Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, Peter - this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny three times... that you even know me..." - Mark 14:30 (according to Jesus Christ)
Towards the end of this segment, regarding 1:42-3:10... Peter (one of Jesus Christ's disciples) has the vibe of, 'what have I done'...
...from a psychological standpoint, Peter was probably 'fearful for his life,' when he realized that Jesus Christ's prediction... was correct (out of the difficulty, of doing such)...

4:17 PM (6/25/23):
If an equation could be derived, to ascertain the variability of spatial dimensions 3-5... in relation, to the scope of the observable cosmos/universe... then one would be better able to estimate, the number of extraterrestrial civilizations... there may be, beyond our galaxy (the Milky Way), to an extent... ...assuming, there is truth in there being a proliferation... in non-human dimensional beings, beyond spatial dimension 5... The number '666' likely plays a role in the afterlife, given that 1/3 of the angelic host... were banished from heaven, in the past... ...while two-thirds remained loyal, to God the Father... Thus, God the Father might be saying 'pay attention to the #3'... regarding the 6th spatial dimension...

"If I don't know who you are, don't presume... that there is an established relationship, if we've never spoken... or you don't know how... to say, 'hello'... People of 'low substance,' tend to look towards other... for direction, or consolation... because they, themselves... don't have an 'internal compass'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (7:12 PM, on 6/25/23)

There is a difference between objectivity and subjectivity. For instance, you may believe that your faith is sufficient... but God could think differently, on Judgment Day... and consequently, your life is accordingly... affected...

"If you consistently misrepresent yourself, no one will take you seriously... If you consistently are joking, or presenting yourself as a joke... ...then when you want to be viewed seriously, you'll be thought of as a 'wolf crier'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (7:24 PM, on 6/25/23)

"In the context of the principle of retrocausality, I surmise that humans have a 'partially involuntary' choice... on the form they assume, when being born... It's plausible, that prior to conception in the womb... a human is in 'spirit form,' before being 'fused into flesh'... Due to the nature of free will, and the principle of 'natural progression'... a human consequently has an influence, on his/her form... in the afterlife..." - Michael Izuchukwu (9:26 PM, on 6/25/23)

"Retrocausality is an interesting concept; the present having an impac... | TikTok

One's future actions, influence the present and past... just as one's actions, can influence... the future...

12:28 PM (6/27/23): "When you're flying, then you know... you have wings..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:38 PM (6/28/23):

"He is a wise man, who does not grieve for the things... which he has not... but rejoices for those, which he has..." - Epictetus (something Jesus Christ might say, if He were to return to Earth... from heaven... and respond, to inquiry... about how He Resurrected, after His Crucifixion)


8:46 PM (6/28/23):
Jesus Christ is the intermediator, between humans and God the Father ('heavenly Father')... and I know not the ways, or mentality... of God the Father... Nevertheless, given that Jesus Christ now performs that function... in the spirit realm... He likely adopted, some of the ways... of God the Father, who likely moved on... to perform, an even higher function... Thus, it's beneficial... to contemplate about the gospel of Jesus Christ (His message, story and teachings), as a means... of gauging, that which is viewed favorably... in the eyes, of God (Jesus Christ, who is 'God the Son'... and transitively, God the Father)... Given that the Holy Spirit is a human's link, to God (and was spoken of, by Jesus Christ... on various occasions)... such is the most accurate measure, for inference...

Son of God | Resurrection | 20th Century Fox - YouTube (3:21-3:51)

11:31 PM (6/28/23):
Not too long ago, I concluded that Epictetus' quote... has parallels, to Matthew 19:24 of the bible... When the context of such, has legitimacy... Matthew 19:24, should be a factored variable... given that such states 'it is easier for a camel, to pass through the eye of a needle... than it is, for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven'...

There seems to be an inverse relationship, at work... regarding Epictetus' quote, and Matthew 19:24

10:18 PM (6/29/23): "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me..." – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ) 

NOTE: Perhaps going from spatial dimension 3 to 5, requires 'knowing the Way,' and at spatial dimension 5... one is able, to know 'the Truth'... ...which may be 'a hard pill, to swallow'... Going beyond spatial dimension 5, may be something 'not intended'... and may require 'risking one's afterlife life'... in pursuit, of 'the Life'... What 'the Life,' is... we do not know, and we do not... understand... (such is of 'God the Father')

10:29 PM (6/29/23): "My analysis of the photo below, is that there are 2 crows... facing each other, in a symmetrical fashion... ...while what appears to be an angel (due to 'the halo'), is lifting up... some type of box... 

10:34 PM (6/29/23): "My analysis of the quote below - 'the last great battle will not be fought in a field, but in the minds of men'... is that in the afterlife, your mind becomes your body, and your spirit (the Holy Spirit), becomes your mind (given that one becomes aware, that there is such a thing... as a 'Super Holy Spirit,' in the spirit realm... If you descend into hell (by some means, such as being 'left behind'... during the Rapture)... your body, becomes your mind... ...a tomb, from which one cannot escape...

10:43 PM (6/29/23): ...the implication of the latter, is that if one goes to hell... the 'universe (afterlife reality extent)' one partakes in, is within... one's corpse...

Saw IV cassette recording (Autopsy) - YouTube

10:21 AM (7/1/23):
"In this video, a female discusses how time applies... to each spatial dimension reality... It's interesting, that a 1-dimensional being... can only move forward and backward, on a line... ...but would still experience time (a temporal dimension)... One wonders, about those... beyond the 3rd (ours)... but I will say that I do not believe, that 1-D reality can be imagined... ...given that a 3-D being, can only 'partially imagine'... 2-D reality..." - Michael Izuchukwu (a 2-D being can better understand 1-D reality, than a 3-D being... by virtue, of being within... a closer 'spatial dimension reality')
When one moves forward, there tends to be lateral (side-to-side) movement (the same applies, for moving backward)... 

6:56 PM (7/2/23): "...I just got off the phone, with my mom... after speaking for 11 minutes & 51 seconds, as of 6:41 PM... I told her that she just 'wastes my energy, and undermines my moral'... As expected, she was nonchalant about my statement; her apathy is truly pathological..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Things like this, make you question... who your real family is, in terms of the spirit (Holy Spirit)... Your immediate family members, may or may not... be constituents, of the 'Family of God (F.O.G.)'...

4:42 PM (7/3/23): "At 4:38 PM, today... I had a revelation, about Matthew 19:24... of the bible... Such is that given that Jesus Christ had stated in such, 'it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is... for a rich man, to enter... the Kingdom of Heaven'... ...there is an implication, that the context of this... is 'entering heaven, via natural means'... Such a notion is supported, by the fact that a camel, a needle's eye, and a rich man... are all 'in the world'... while heaven, is 'in the spirit realm'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:24 AM (7/4/23): "Signs from God (often of a divine nature), are confirmations by Him (Jesus Christ)... that one is walking on a spiritual path ('the right/intended one')..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:00 PM (7/4/23): "At 2:42 PM today, I had the notion… that if I ever were to have ‘a child,’ the motivation for such… is primarily, to serve as a symbol… of ‘being fruitful’… Nevertheless, there are many ways… to be fruitful…" - Michael Izuchukwu

"God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, and the birds in the sky... and over every living creature, that moves on the ground...” - Genesis 1:28

How to Be a Fruitful and Productive Christian | Open the Bible 


How to be effective and fruitful as a Christian (2 Peter 1:5-8)? – EndoftheMatter.com


11:47 AM (7/5/23):

Be happy SINGLE | 5 things you should focus on while single - YouTube

"The theme of this video, has parallels to one proposing... that one can be fruitful, without 'conventional fruits'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:14 PM (7/4/23):

High Frequency Laser Ultrasonic Waves Test - The Core (2003) Movie Scene - YouTube 


Neil deGrasse Tyson - We Stopped Dreaming (Episode 1) - YouTube

3:17 PM (7/4/23):
Mission to mars best scene - YouTube

"What year, do you predict a Mars landing... will be televised...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

Of interest, is what country would be doing such... and as to the number of people, that would be sent...

UAE's Hope spacecraft at Mars spies solar system's tallest volcano (photo) | Space

QUOTES (continued):

"I'm the type of person, who commits to memory... the shortcomings, of others... but will pay such no mind, if they have the decency and initiative... to rectify their inequities, and the folly... of their ways..." - Michael Izuchukwu (10:31 PM, on 7/5/23) 

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results..." - Albert Einstein 

"If you're the same person, in the present month... of the following year (and haven't made gains, regarding the interplay of your spirit, mind and body)... then you've 'been idle'... and likely are not afloat, the tide... of one, on a spiritually ordained path..." - Michael Izuchukwu (10:37 PM, on 7/5/23) 

"Assuming you become deceased, you will have to account for the extent of your transgressions... on Judgment Day... if you were not deemed worthy enough, to pursue entry to heaven... via 'natural means,' as a consequence... of 'overlooked mortality'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (10:41 PM (7/5/23)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SEE ABOVE/\/\/\


CONTINUATION (from 'the above'):

5:47 PM (5/13/23):
Moments ago, I attempted to shift gears... from Blogger, to a 'successor site'... but the site 'TYPEPAD' was not accepting applicants (new users) at the time... 'That academy' would not accept me...

Interestingly, it has been 76 days... since my 5th proclamation of completion... of my spiritual writings (in the context, of my activity on the site Blogger)... This realization, made me conclude... perhaps 20 minutes ago, that my 7th proclamation of completion... will be today... and assuming it's a sign, that I recently updated my Facebook cover photo... to one, featuring Albert Einstein, posing in a way... that paralled a photo of me, near Riverside Park (in the Upper West Side of Manhattan)... at 10:08 AM, on 5/6/23... I will assume this proclamation is my final one (for now)...

On April 18, 1955, Albert Einstein died at age 76... from an 'abdominal, aortice aneurysm'... 


"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24


“A camel is a relatively massive animal, and the 'eye of a needle' is quite small... Yet, Jesus Christ likened entering heaven... to the difficulty of entering, through a 'small passage'... Thus, I made the inference that a rich person ('of the world') often has many unwarranted or unnecessary attachments/obligations... which may weigh him/her down... It may be beneficial to be efficient with the means one has to make a living, and what one does for a living... to get to heaven...

...Someone abiding by the latter sentiment, would then realize that from a metaphorical standpoint... the entryway to heaven would be a bit larger for him/her than the 'eye of a needle'... ...Perhaps, like the top of a small cup...

…One can extrapolate that if a rich man were the size of a camel, then passing through the entrance to heaven… would be no less difficult… than a camel, passing through the eye… of a needle… I conclude that such means one must be a ‘very efficient’ person (in the context of the spirit, mind and body)…” - Michael Izuchukwu


“Given that Jesus Christ stated 7 last phrases/words, while on the cross... in the context of Matthew 19:24 of the bible, there is credence to believe... that such alludes to the threshold, for when one's worldly wealth... interferes, with one's spiritual fortification & progression... Perhaps $10,000,000 (8 figures) is 'that threshold'... given that such contains '7' zeros... ...if a man can teach himself to fish, and fish for himself... as opposed to buying fish from the market, there is a difference... in the spirituality, of those respective processes...” – Michael Izuchukwu

2:08 PM (5/13/23):
In the context of 'the above' analysis, regarding bible verse 'Matthew 19:24'... the 'above video' sheds light... on how the perceived value of one's generosity, can change... based off the means one has, for bestowing such... Context is key, for ascertaining the intrinsic nature... of one's actions... and the effort, affiliated with such... ...effort, is 'of the spirit (Holy Spirit)'... given that such is a reflection, of the human 'life force'... ...in the context, of the spirit, mind and body...

2:16 PM (5/13/23):

12:38 PM (5/13/23):
Interesting 'home building' and real estate video... The manner in which this dude, discusses how he invested in the construction... of his 'first rental property'... relates to the manner, in which I assembled... my 'portable spacetime house (documentation of my time, at my former apartment... at the Vanguard Crossing complex, in University City, MO... from March 2020 to October 2020)'... An estimation of $21,000 in my EVMS funds, had been utilized... to finance those 7 months ('approximately $3,000/month'), after the 13 months I had been experiencing 'vagrancy'... in the aftermath, of my lawsuit victory... against my mom, on 3/6/19 (I was unable to cohabit with my mom and my middle brother/JJ, and had been spending time in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey & New York... during that time interval)...
Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) | TikTok (my former apartment's complex, in University City, MO (3/21/20 - 10/25/20); a presentation, of my 'portable spacetime house')
Arguably, I foresaw that in light of my dad's financial difficulties (he had applied for food stamps, on 2/8/18... and had unpaid debt remaining, on my 'childhood' Chesterfield, MO, home... in the 'Pine Creek subdivision)... that I needed to be proactive, in seeing a 'return, on my investment'...
eligibility requirements, for food stamps... in Missouri - Apply for SNAP | mydss.mo.gov
[I had figured, that given my dad owed $580,407.60 (as of April 11, 2012)... on the Pine Creek house, that he had told me in the 3rd grade (1997-1998)... that he had built 'from scratch'... that if anything, I would utilize my vector (magnitude and direction)... to create a 'portable home,' that I could bring with me... ...anyhwere, due to such being accessible... via any laptop, desktop or phone... ...assuming, that after I had downsized and relocated... the simulation was effective enough, to make it seem... as though, I was still there (indefinitely)... I would attribute this, to the meals I had prepared there... in the context, of the 'ingested calories'... having been documented, via food photographs... that substantiate, the 'energy level'... that correlates, to my time there...: 

Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/741089835)

CAPTION: Video footage of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, preparing to enter the Kremlin (in Moscow, Russia)... in the past... (across the world, body language is a vital aspect of communication... and can be instrumental, for ascertaining 'cultural compatibility'... when contrasting languages, are spoken... amongst differing countries)

8:49 AM (5/13/23):

8:34 AM (5/13/23):
0:00-2:00 of this video, was of interest... After reading the title, my immediate thoughts were '...but how'... or 'impressive'....
If anything, since 2021... via 'blogs (written and video),' I have been fine-tuning my public speaking ability... and advancing my command, of the English language... in my free time... Arguably, mastery of one's native tongue... ...is a pathway, for understanding foreign languages... more readily... ...mathematics is likely embedded, within rhetorical expression... when a global, cross-cultural examination... is conducted... ...regarding the 6,500+ spoken languages, in the world...
8:58 AM (5/13/23): 

5:56 PM (5/12/23):
I discovered '3' new asymptotic aging candidates, today: Puspa Dewi, Masako Mizutani & Lure Hsu... This phenomenon, may be more prevalent among certain ethnic groups... than others... ...due to hereditary characteristics...
6:26 PM (5/12/23):
The fact that until today, I did not know these '3' individuals... existed... just highlights the fact, that humans go about their daily lives... and are oblivious ('for the most part'), of... ...the true extent... of their reality... ...the true extent, of the cosmos... they partake in... This is a great indication, that there are lifeforms on Earth... which have yet, to be discovered... ...just as there are those, on worlds... beyond...

5:46 PM (5/12/23):
Spacetime can be interesting; in the context of length, width & height/depth ('3' spatial dimensions) and time ('1' temporal dimension)... making up '4' dimensions... ...a person is not the same yesterday, as he/she is today... or tomorrow...

4:39 PM (5/12/23):
In the display photo of this article, Tom Brady has the vibe of 'they're out here playing checkers, while I'm playing chess'...

At 1:26-1:32 in this video, news correspondent 'Omar Jimenez' has the vibe of 'you did not see me'... in reaction, to the topic being discussed...

Reddit - Dive into anything


11:53 PM (5/8/23):
FACE HAND (something ugly)

10:33 PM (5/8/23):

11:32 PM (5/8/23):
Very fit and attractive female, in a green tunic (walking through a parking garage)

Aaron Rodgers passing a football [as the song 'Heart on my Sleeve (by Drake, and featuring 'The Weeknd'),' plays]

Interesting testimony by 'Brother Joshua,' regarding the promises of God...

9:26 PM (5/823):
About half an hour ago, I began speculating about a notion of mine... from earlier, today... which was: when one is 'higher-minded,' there is a gravity that occurs... ...given that thoughts could be considered 'words (primarily comprised of letters, numbers and symbols),' which carry weight ('burden')... from: WEIGHT WARS: WEIGHT TRACKING - HOW LOW DO I GO? (weighingforapurpose.blogspot.com)
In the context of this, there is a link between geometric visualization... and auditory processing... Letters are shapes, and given that at least 6,500 languages are spoken... across the world... one can infer, that in certain languages (which use different alphabets than the one, of one's native language)... ...shapes (of letters, that one knows not of... from 'distinctly foreign' languages)... carry a different weight, than the shapes of the letters... which comprise, the alphabet... of one's native language...
English vs. Arabic, for instance:
Hello (English): hello
Hello (Arabic): مرحبًا
Hello (Korean): 안녕하세요
curve versus a line - Google Search (spacetime has curvature, and to my understanding... the Arabic language... employs more 'curved letters,' than the English language)
law of universal gravitation - Google Search (the mass of ink, is negligible... but different angles, create different gravitation... regarding 'ink on paper'... and 'words on a screen')
The greater 'one's vocabulary,' the easier one can understand... verbal (spoken) and nonverbal (written) text... (10:06 PM, 5/8/23)

A google search, of mine... about two minutes before, this post... was made... I subsequently thought to myself, 'I've been 'assassinated (disenfranchised)' if I don't (and haven't) had parents... that I can make inquiries with, regarding buying/purchasing a house (home ownership)... ...with the intent, of getting levelheaded... and fluid, responses...
To my understanding, my mom and middle brother (JJ) presently cohabit in an apartment... that I have never seen, or entered (for reasons which are 'uterrly irrational and asinine'), and there was unpaid debt (remaining as of 2020)... remaining on the Chesterfield, MO, home... that my dad attested to having built, from scratch (when I was in elementary school)...

5:49 PM (5/8/23):
An interesting 'Jesus Christ' prayer, that I noticed... a few days, ago...

5:12 PM (5/8/23):
(peppered hotdogs & carrots, as of 4:03 PM... today - 5/8/23)

(view of outside the window, of the East Orange public library... at 5:09 PM, today - 5/8/23)

2:58 PM (5/8/23):
On 7/2/22, I watched 0:00-5:14... of the above video... Such was 1:20:14, in length... and I have reminded myself, that I intend on watching more of such... soon... given that in such, Sara Seager  discusses a number of matters... pertaining to science...
I was wondering about the basis, for speaking... for that duration...


6:19 PM (5/7/23):
There are many ways, to distinguish oneself... in society, and the world... The basis for doing so, may correlate... to 'the will to live'... in the context, of 'continuous, self-improvement'... and taking on challenges, for spiritual growth...

I relate well, to many of the sentiments... expressed by Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, in this video (from approximately '5' years ago)... regarding loneliness (unwarranted solitude), and the implications... of such... Naturally, humans are social creatures...

11:49 AM (5/7/23):
The form (physiological composition) one has, is subject to variation... over time... Each human has an internalization, of his/her ideal... physique... although body mass index, serves as a template... for healthy physiologies....

11:46 AM (5/7/23):
Dr. Zain Hasan, discusses the medical specialties... that are most inclined, to be comprised... of physiology-conscious physicians... One's physicality, can have an influence... on one's mentality... just as one's mentality, can influence... one's spirit (and vice versa, respectively)...


(the following post, is a comment... I had made, via Facebook... for the 2023 Commencement Ceremony, at Rice University... for undergraduates... The online stream was available, as of 8 PM Eastern Standard Time... on 5/6/23)

As I was watching the graduates, walk up the ramp... I concluded that a 10-year age difference, typically becomes less distinct... as two generations, progress through time... ...when comparing 2 individuals (one from each), regarding 'social natures'... ...although, that may be influenced... by their respective, biological and chronological ages... An example of the aforementioned, is comparing a 20 and 30-year-old... and then revisiting the comparison, when at 70 and 80...


When I think of different militaries, across the world... they remind me, of 'different teams'...
My dad would have turned 68 years old, as of tomorrow...
Puzzling article title...

There was a Drake song, that I was just listening to... that was of such 'lyrical fire & wizardry,' the beat evoked of the Grand Priest... walking (slowly)... from 0:53-1:04, of the above video (in my mind, as I was listening)... Nevertheless, due to the profanity & content, I 'felt compelled' to remove that audio link... from Reddit - Dive into anything (9:29 PM, 5/5/23)
My hypothesis, is that the age range of my audience... is diverse...

A 'slightly misleading' article title, but indisputably... my immediate impression, was 'if someone is at Cambridge University... one can conclude, there is an ambience of prestige'... ...'at times,' prestige can imply... something ought, to be taken seriously (due to that, which is 'behind such/the basis')... (6:12 PM, on 5/5/23)

The music in the above video segment, reminds me of the animated scene... in which Darkseid says to Superman (after they've been fighting for a while), 'I am many things, Kal-El... ...but here, I am God...' (5:03 PM, on 5/5/23)

As of 4:34 PM on 5/5/23, I watched this video... Such featured a father-son exchange, in which the dad is giving relationship advice... to his son...

(5 meatballs and spaghetti, as of 4:13 PM... today - 5/5/23)

Interesting video, that I was viewing... around 3:30 PM, today... A dude is conversing with another, amidst a waterfront... about his plans, for 'fame and fortune'... in finance...
In this video, the dude from above ('Louis') is arguing with another... regarding generational wealth, as opposed to 'earned income'...

Moments ago (as of 10:16 AM, today - 5/5/23), a thought emerged in my mind... and that was that when my friend, Louis Chen... went to MIT (2012-2019), to get his doctorate... in 'operations research'... ...upon his arrival, he likely was thinking to himself 'everyone here, is arguably as famous as 'certain actors'... so I need to assume, a certain function'...

The One Habit That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure Overnight, According to a Cardiologist (yahoo.com)
Interesting 'blood pressure' article, that I was just advertised...


A movie I began watching on YouTube, about '3' minutes ago (as of 11:58 PM, on 5/4/23):

Arrival - YouTube (I saw such, in the past)

Around 3:54 PM, on 5/4/23… I began contemplating… the nature, of employment-based work… To what avail, does one work… aside from fulfilling, one’s fundamental needs (in the context, of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)… Perhaps, the basis for why one works… is what justifies, the work; for some people, the ideal that is sought… may be very worldly, or very spiritual… on the spectrum, of the intrinsic value… for that, which one seeks

Age: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110...

When I read the following article, shortly before 5 PM... today (5/4/23)... I concluded, that in certain lines of work... one may be wondering, if there 'is a catch'... ...as though, something could be going on 'behind certain scenes,' aside from 'the job... in the open (clock-based)'... that could be deemed 'regressive,' in the context... of one, seeking 'genuine progress'... or the upholding, of an ideal...

Report: Tom Brady Could Quit His New 10-year, $375 Million Deal With FOX (msn.com)

NOTE #1:

Maybe there is the thought of 'if I'm being paid 37.5 million dollars, each year (for broadcasting)... perhaps the payer has 'ulterior incentive'... ...or, perhaps this is a matter... of who I am remembered, as... in the context, of the aforementioned...

NOTE #2:

NFL World Reacts To Speculation Tom Brady Might Quit Job (msn.com)


Regarding the following article, the main thing I got from the author... was the quote:

'Wealth is a ratio between our income and our expenses. It's not a flat number.'

I dropped out of school aged 17 and I'm RETIRED as a millionaire (msn.com)

"Shortly before 11 PM, on 5/3/23… I concluded (from online, environmental stimuli... and the 9 days, leading up to that point in time) that my intelligence… ‘cannot be quantified,’ in the context… of the scenario, in which mine is being tested… against an extraterrestrial, from an advanced civilization… ...my hypothesis, is that ‘something unaccounted for'... would be going on, in the eyes... of my opponent’s species…" - Michael Izuchukwu, 12:01 AM (5/4/23) NOTE #1: ...In the context of the aforementioned, if my intellect is an anomaly... in the eyes of the 'above' extraterrestrial species... then arguably, such would be 'off' human charts... NOTE #2: My dad has various academic accolades, but due to his egotism (when alive)... I may have been disenfranchised (in some capacity)...
