

                                                                diary (money in my checking account, at 1:46 PM... on 4/13/20... ...when I had gone to Bank of America, in Clayton, MO... ...near my former apartment) NOTE: Due to the latest (most recent) developments, and Matthew 19:24 of the bible... I have had to make certain adaptations, as well as compensate... for my dad being deceased, as of 10/8/20 (even though he had been experiencing financial difficulties, in his last days... and had no discernible will)... and my present/ongoing familial relations/dynamics... which are, 'effectively estranged'... ? Contemplating the nature and life, of Jesus Christ (South Orange, NJ - 12:32 PM, on 11/4/22) - YouTube Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God... all things are possible...” - Matthew 19:26 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man, is possible... with God..." - Luke 18:27 Both of the aforementioned quotes, are regarding Jesus Christ.